Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Where does milk come from?

Oh Snap, what have I done? I think I have scarred my child for life. Or at the very least I have created a food snob. Product of her environment, I suppose.

When given a glass of milk this happens;

Fiona: What kind of cow is this from?
Me: I am not sure. Most likely a Holstein but possibly a jersey or Guernsey or Brown Swiss.
Fiona: Is it from Uncle Cole's cow?
Me: No, his cows are not milking cows.
Fiona: Who's cow is it?
Me: It's Organic Valley so it could be from one of many different farmers. Organic valley is a co-op.
Fiona: How did you get it?
Me: I bought it at the grocery store.
Fiona: lets go there and see the cows.
Me: You can't. They don't have cows there.
Fiona: Where do they get the milk?
ME: From cows.
Fiona: What cows?
Me: Organic Valley Cows.
Fiona: Is this goat's milk?
Me: No, cow milk.
Fiona: I want water.


  1. If you just put the tv on,... ;)

  2. Hey Paulie! Miss your face on the facecrack.

    Ahh.. that would require me to get a tv. Too much hassle. :-)

  3. Oh, I'm in the new mellinium with google+. FB is long gone ;)
