Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Peppermint Oil - Miracle in a bottle

If you don't have a bottle of this - get one. Now.

It is a bottle full of miracles.

Got a headache? No problem, put this on the back of your neck and skip the pain pills.

Sore muscles? They ain't got nothing on peppermint oil. (yes, I just used ain't).

Car sick? Put a touch of this on your wrists and you'll be able to set in the backseat with no worries.

Got a sinus infection and can't breathe? Put some on your chest and you'll be having airflow in no time.

Use like you would an icy hot, but know that it is strong stuff. A little bit will go a long way and there is a delay of about 45 seconds between the time you put it on and the time you start to feel it.

I don't go anywhere without it. I travel with it. Again - miracle in a bottle.

Cheers and Good -bye ailments.



  1. Yes of course its miracle in the bottle. you can use it as Essential oil of peppermint can be taken in very small doses in capsule or liquid forms. The essential oil can also be diluted with another oil and applied to the skin.

  2. I just made a batch of homemade peppermint essential with my distiller, and I've never before experienced what I did when I inhaled it a few times. I feel so at peace, and calm.

  3. I just made a batch of homemade peppermint essential with my distiller, and I've never before experienced what I did when I inhaled it a few times. I feel so at peace, and calm.

  4. You distilled your own? Wickedly impressive.
