Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Feel Better Soon- Thai Coconut Smoothie

Disclaimer: I am not a doctor. This is not medical advice. This is merely experience and wive's tales talking. Take it for what it is.

I have been sick. Very sick. I suppose a 30 degree drop in temperature over night, and traveling by car 18 hours from the midwest to the east coast had something to do with this. Not to mention playing nursemaid to sick friends right before leaving. Fever, cough, green funk coming out of my nose, and a chest on fire, oh and I feel like I got hit by a truck.

I am not a fan of traditional medicine and I would have to be on my death bed before even considering antibiotics. So far, it seems to have worked for me. I have overcome swine flu, pneumonia, and the occasional sinus infection without the need for an arsenal of pharmaceutics (In general I get sick about once a year). I prefer to give my body the tools it needs and have faith in its ability to fight whatever it is I am fighting. I suppose I learned this as a child, growing up over an hour from any town with any sort of civilization. You couldn't just run to the pharmacy in the middle of the night and with options limited you learn to deal with what you have on hand.

With that said, food can play a very important role in recovery. I keep an arsenal of "feel better soon" recipes on hand. The following smoothie recipe is easy and can take you from zero to hero in the span of a few hours. That is because young thai coconuts supposedly have the same chemical make up as blood plasma. In fact, it is rumored, that it was used for blood transfusions in WWII.

Note: Young thai coconuts are supposedly drenched in formaldehyde to keep them white. I can not confirm or deny this, but I can tell you that it is nearly impossible to find the certified organic leading me to believe it is true. SOO... scrub the daylights out of the outside of one of these bad boys before cutting it open.

Here is the recipe:
1 young thai coconut
1 banana

This particular coconut had a lot of water.

I used 1 cup and froze the rest. Put the coconut water, meat, and banana in the blender. Blend for a minute or so.

Consume and feel better soon.

Cheers and Happy Eats!


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