Wednesday, March 4, 2009

One Among Many

Within a few hours all of you should get an email regarding the merge of Clark’s Organic Market and Door to Door Organics, and I wanted to let you know what this means for us as a community, and the part you all have played in it.

Clark’s Organic Market has evolved from a small storefront in Excelsior Springs, MO to a community of 300 strong making a difference in our community and our world. We are a testament that one joined together with many can affect the prosperity of all.

With all the saddening economic news, and political woes in our world, it is easy to push the topics of sustainability to the foreground even if those very topics are way out of the current situation we find ourselves in. However, we as a collective group have been able to forge ahead and stand up for the values we believe in. By purchasing organic products grown, made and produced by real people we have formed a coalition against big corporate farms that think because they have lots of money, cheap labor, and scientist in a lab coming up with concoctions to cut corners, that they can take over our food system. Instead we have stood behind the real people that understand that farming is hard work and they have a responsibility to the land we have borrowed from the next generation. We, as a group, have sent a message to Monsanto that we shall not allow them to remove the seeds our forbearers saved and cultivated for thousands of years from existence.

Together we have proved that when our government fails us, and gives subsidies to large corporate farms without regarding to the negative impacts they have on our world as a whole, that we will stand up for social justice by buying from our neighbors!

We have and will continue to create a culture of people that rewards hard work and stands behind real people, eating real food, produced in a sustainable way.

We will now be joined with Door to Door Organics owned by David Gersenson, the son of a midwife, father of 2 year old Shiloh, and husband of a lovely lady named Theresa. With this joint venture we will be able to give our customers more bang for their buck so good food will be available across more economic classes. We will be able to leverage our buying power of customers based across the country to stand behind the “little guy.”

Without you, I would be one standing alone, but instead I am one among many, and for that you will have my enduring gratitude.

With sincere appreciation.
Lucinda Clark

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