Sunday, October 12, 2008

Meal Plan using 10/11/08 Box

Sweet Potato pie
Boil or steam your potatoes and peel. Mush with ½ cup of melted butter; add ½ milk, and 2 eggs, vanilla, cinnamon, and nutmeg. If making this as a supper dish, leave out the sugar. If making this as a treat put a cup of sugar in it. Put into a pie crust (I make mine out of lard, Martha Stewart makes hers from butter, and I have heard of people making pie crusts in a dehydrator out of almond meal) At any rate, mix up the potato mixture and put in the unbaked pie crust, bake in the oven on 350 for about an hour. It will puff up as it cooks, and come back down as it cools.
Make French fries or roasted potatoes out of the potatoes, put cheese curds on top and cover with brown gravy. Doesn’t taste the same unless you use cheese curds, which we get from Milton Creamery- but they sell at Green Acres as well.
Salad with tomatoes
Self explanatory. Add nuts if you want a little protein.
Chicken and roasted zucchini
Cook whole chicken marinated with rosemary and olive oil. Keep some leftovers for later meal. Cut up zucchini and roast in the oven with garlic and olive oil.
Chicken and Noodles
Boil your chicken broth and drop in noodles (See last week’s post to find out how to make egg noodles) When the noodles are done add the chicken.
Baked squash with apples
Cut the tops off and hollow the squash of seeds, add chopped up apples and bake until squash is tender. I add a bit of butter, cinnamon, and sugar as it is cooking.
Green beans with onions
Put green beans in crock pot with onion and a bit of water, add some salt, and bacon (optional) for flavor. Eat when it reaches your desired texture.

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