Monday, January 17, 2011

Pizza on the Fly

I once thought that I would never be able to make pizza, because it was my understanding that the pizza dough took a day to ferment, rise, and do its thing. In my world things can change day by day and moment by moment, and my plans always seem to go awry. Thus, planning one day what I am going to have for dinner the next, just isn't something I do. Don't get me wrong, I have a general idea of what I am going to cook for the week, but what day I eat what is decided by the many variables in my, sometimes, hectic life.

With that said, I am now in pizza making heaven, done on the fly, without any planning required with my recipe below. I like my crust crispy and haven't tried to make this any other way, so if you want thick and gooey...sorry, but you are going to have to plan ahead.

2/3 cup warm water
(not too hot or you will kill the yeast. It should be warm to the touch, unless you have poor circulation and your hands are always cold, in which case, you should use a thermometer and have your water between 110 -115 degrees.)
1 package of yeast
a spoonful of sugar (this is not required, but helps feed the yeast)

mix the above together and let it sit for a few minutes or more (you will see it start to foam slightly)

pour this in a mixing bowl and add flour. I am not sure how much, but if you pressured me to guess.. I would say around 2-3 cups. (should be doughy but not sticky).

If you want to get fancy you can add herbs or seasonings to your crust while it is still sticky.

Roll it out to a very thin and put on a pizza stone.

Bake for about 5 minutes. (sometimes I get lost in thought and forget to do this step, still tastes wonderful but just isn't as crispy)

Add sauce and toppings.

Bake until done.

Yum Yum.

Cheers and Happy Pizza Eats!


  1. Can I just tell you that you're amazing? amazing person and cook. :)

  2. Aww, thank you Ashley. I think you are pretty amazing, yourself!

  3. Pshh...We're amazing together...kindred spirits of sorts. Deep...I know.
