Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Peach trees don't grow on the beach.

It's a long dramatic story as to why, but today I took a purposeful trip down memory lane.

To aid in this en devour I imported my email from the past 8 years, and have been viewing picture books of my life over the years. While doing such, I stumbled on pictures of when I used to live on the beach in Florida.. out my door, around the corner and bam- on the beach! I also found emails I sent to my friends describing my apartment in D.C. In my basement was a bookstore, coffee shop, grocery store, and the metro - meaning I was not required to get out in the weather except by my own choosing.

I thought about all of this when I had to hike from the end of the driveway to the house because the snow makes it impossible to get in or out, and when I was putting wood in the fire that needs constant attention to keep from going out.

Of course the randomness of this post is not to wallow in the "used to be" or go on and on about how much this cold weather and snow is annoying me (as tempting as it may be). On the contrary, I just wanted to say thank you. .

Thank you to my brothers and the hired hand that allow me to "play" farmer and take all the credit while they do all the grunt work in this undesirable weather.

Thank you to all the farmers that don't have brothers or hired hands.

Thank you to the person that shoveled my gran's steps so I have a clear path to walk on when I visit her.

Thank you John Goode for having a green house full of beautiful herbs so I can have warm tea next to the fire.

And last but not least... thank you blogspot for allowing me to document this so in the summer when I am sitting under a shade tree eating a fresh peach I can remember to take the good with the bad and that peach trees don't grow on the beach or in the basement of a high rise!


  1. I enjoy reading your Blog, you are a good writer. Peach trees don't grow on the beach or near it. the salt sand has a lot to do with it growing.
